11 February - 13 February

Nordic Hydrogen Week

  • Oula
  • 11 February - 13 February

Welco­me to the big­gest inter­na­tio­nal hydro­gen event in Nort­hern Fin­land!

Nort­hern Power will bring toget­her hundreds of inter­na­tio­nal industry lea­ders, inno­va­tors, researc­hers, and policy­ma­kers to discuss the futu­re of hydro­gen ener­gy in the Nor­dic region. Nort­hern Power Busi­ness Forumis part of the Nor­dic Hydro­gen Week on 11–13 Februa­ry 2025.

The third edi­tion of Nort­hern Power will focus on pre­sen­ting the brigh­test Nor­dic hydro­gen pro­jects and lear­nings of real-life hydro­gen cases in Arc­tic Nor­dics. We will showca­se TOP-10 hydro­gen pro­jects from the Nor­dic count­ries. To unders­tand how the glo­bal hydro­gen mar­kets are evol­ving, we are sha­ring the most up-to-date gree­tings from lea­ding inter­na­tio­nal hydro­gen experts across the hydro­gen value chain.

Let’s build the futu­re of sus­tai­nable ener­gy toget­her!